Has Bayer Stopped Downplaying the Risks of Essure?

Bayer is facing a new lawsuit that alleges it falsely downplayed the risks of its popular intrauterine device. Bayer has already paid out millions to women who claim they were injured by Essure, but this case suggests more settlements could be on the way.

The “essure side effects after 10 years” is a question that has been asked by many people. Bayer has recently released a statement saying that they are not downplaying the risks of Essure anymore.

Has Bayer Stopped Downplaying the Risks of Essure?

Dr. Julio Novoa is an obstetrician-gynecologist (OBGYN) with a practice in El Paso, Texas. He is the creator of Novoa Medical Services, which offers healthcare for women and teenagers in the El Paso region, and has more than 20 years of expertise in the medical sector. Dr. Novoa is also a regular contributor to the Essure Problems website and an outspoken opponent of Bayer’s promotion of the Essure treatment.

Dr. Novoa submitted the following open letter to raise awareness about the Essure scandal and the power that Big Pharma sales reps have over physicians like himself.


To my colleagues in medicine:

I’m writing to convey my deep worry about medical industry sales reps’ influence over physicians, particularly when it comes to the Essure sterilization device.

Doctors are smart, yet we’re still just human. As a result, we’re just as easily persuaded—and gullible—as the next person. With the potential to earn thousands of dollars per year for employing a medical gadget in your own clinic, every new FDA product may generate a cult following of physicians who are blinded by a mix of ignorance and greed.


When seeking to promote their goods to physicians, product device salesmen disproportionately highlight the benefits of their medical gadgets while downplaying the drawbacks. This is a common marketing strategy for increasing revenue in a short period of time.

Companies reward those who become professionals in this method with larger commissions, incentives, and promotions. Those that fail are punished and, in the worst-case scenario, fired.

The ordinary doctor does not have time to study and verify all a medical representative claims about the product he or she is promoting.

The ordinary doctor does not have time to study and verify all a medical representative claims about the product he or she is promoting. Thus, in this realm of “Sell or be fired,” doctors often hear only a product’s advantages.

Sales representatives also provide physicians with free training, reduced or free items, and advice on how to charge insurance companies the most money possible while utilizing medical gadgets purchased from the reps.

This is why, before suggesting a medical gadget or product to our patients, we physicians must stop behaving like ignorant buyers at a used car lot and start actively examining the facts about it. Doctors must always be proactive, not reactive, and suspicious, not impressionable.

Above all, physicians should never let financial gain or greed affect their decision-making when it comes to patient care.


The Essure sterilization device may place a major strain on the ethical norms of certain OBGYN professionals because to the very high incidence of compensation when compared to conventional tubal ligation.

When considering the time and effort required to perform a typical tubal ligation, a GYN doctor may be compensated about $100 per hour. In contrast, a doctor who performs the Essure operation in their office rather than a standard tubal ligation in the hospital might make $100 per minute. The huge pay disparity may be too much of a draw for some physicians to prescribe tubal ligation, which is both safer and more successful.

A doctor who performs the Essure surgery might make up to $100 per minute.

Many physicians have taken the promotional material supplied by Bayer and its representatives at face value, whether or not they have a financial conflict of interest.

Bayer has marketed Essure by exaggerating its advantages while downplaying its drawbacks, as previously mentioned. A lot of the data we have comes from skewed or poorly constructed clinical research. This is why it took years to collect “real world” data rather than tiny, manipulated, and/or censored studies to reveal Essure’s extremely high failure and complication rates.

Bayer has yet to fully address the Essure device’s probable ties to Systemic Nickel Allergy Syndrome (SNAS) or Essure-induced polyester-fiber systemic, inflammatory, foreign body responses, which might resemble autoimmune disorders like Lupus, Rheumatoid Arthritis, or Sjorgan Syndrome.

The Essure Difficulties community on Facebook, which exerts continual pressure on the FDA to make official adjustments to Essure with the eventual objective of removing the device from the international market, deserves a lot of credit for getting the word out about the device’s problems, not Bayer or physicians.


Despite the fact that Essure has been on the market for 15 years, Bayer just recently removed verbiage identifying it as “non-surgical,” which many people believe is misleading advertising.

Prior to 2017, Bayer continuously promoted Essure as a non-surgical procedure, confounding patients who thought it was a safer alternative to tubal ligation. After more than a decade, Bayer eventually revised the Essure surgery’s description to “a minimally invasive procedure” earlier this year.

Despite this substantial shift, Bayer might have gone farther by openly stating that implanting the Essure device is more than a straightforward process. Rather, it is a real operation with all the hazards that come with it, including the patient’s death.

I’m afraid that the only way to get the Essure gadget off the market is to sue.

Has Bayer learnt its lesson and ceased downplaying the hazards associated with the Essure treatment, or should we say, Essure surgery? I don’t believe so. I’m afraid that the only way to get the Essure device off the market is via lawsuits and multi-million-dollar judgment verdicts against Bayer and the doctors who put it in.

Meanwhile, it is up to us physicians to use extreme care and responsibility when prescribing therapies to our patients. As a result, we may be able to save countless individuals from the anguish and suffering that happens when devices like Essure fail.

Sincerely, M.D. Julio Cesar Novoa, Dr. Julio Cesar Novoa, Dr. Julio Cesar Novoa, Dr. Juli

Watch This Video-

The “how effective is essure after 10 years” has been a question that many women have asked. Bayer, the company who makes Essure, claims that the device is safe for use and has no risks associated with it. However, there are some people who disagree with this statement.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is Essure still on the market?

A: No, Essure was taken off the market in November 2018.

What adverse events have patients reported for Essure?

A: Reports of adverse events with Essure are limited, but they have been reported. The most common reports include pain, perforation and bleeding.

How many Essure devices were implanted?

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