Uber’s 3 Greatest Threats

Uber has been in the news recently, largely due to its recent legal battles. However, Uber’s biggest threat will likely come from other companies that can offer similar services at a lower price point and with better customer service. With so many ride-sharing competitors on the horizon, it is unclear how long Uber will be … Read more

10 Ways to Beat the Airline Industry’s Outrageous Prices

America’s airline industry is notorious for its sky-high prices. But despite their best efforts, the airlines can’t stop people from leaving and flying abroad. Companies like JetBlue are finding ways to compete aggressively with low fares, but they’re not the only ones making a change on how you travel. Here are 10 ways to beat … Read more

The 10 Best Consumer Protection Tools Online

With online shopping becoming a bigger and more convenient part of American life, the need for consumer protection has never been greater. This article is your resource for the 10 best tools available to help you avoid getting ripped off or give yourself legal recourse if someone does take advantage of you. The “best online … Read more