Zantac Lawsuit

The Zantac lawsuit is the most recent in a slew of lawsuits filed by Pfizer against various pharmaceutical companies and distributors. These cases are going to trial where it is likely that they will be decided on whether or not there was fraudulent conduct committed by these other pharmaceutical firms

The “zantac lawsuit update 2021” is a Zantac Lawsuit that has been ongoing for the past 2 years. There are currently no updates on the case, but it is still being followed by many people.

Zantac Lawsuit

Zantac (ranitidine), a popular heartburn treatment, has tested positive for a chemical related to cancer, prompting manufacturer recalls, pharmacy withdrawals, and an investigation into the matter.

Our lawyers are looking into allegations that Zantac and other ranitidine drugs cause cancer. For the millions of individuals who take the substance, this might be a big problem. Patients are advised to discuss treatment options with their doctors and to report any negative side effects to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

If you use Zantac, you may want to talk to an attorney about taking legal action. Although the issue is still evolving, our nationally known dangerous-drug lawyers are prepared to bring claims on behalf of Zantac patients who have been diagnosed with cancer.

What Was the Reason for Zantac’s Recall?

In an October news statement, Sanofi said it will execute a voluntary recall of Zantac OTC (over the counter, meaning without a prescription) in the United States and Canada owing to “potential contamination with a nitrosamine contaminant termed N-nitrosodimethylamine (NDMA).” Sanofi stated medication reviews are still underway and advised anybody using Zantac OTC should consult with their healthcare professionals or pharmacists if they have any further concerns.

Apotex and Novartis, in addition to Zantac, are recalling generic ranitidine medications distributed in the United States. Zantac and its generic variants have also been withdrawn off the shelves at major retailers CVS, Walgreens, and Walmart.

Every year, doctors issue more than 15 million ranitidine prescriptions, with countless more purchasing the medicine over-the-counter. Ranitidine is a prescription medication used to treat ulcers and gastroesophageal reflux disease. Ranitidine is an over-the-counter medication that is licensed to prevent and alleviate heartburn caused by indigestion.

What Is NDMA and What Are the Consequences?

NDMA is a food and water contaminant that may be detected in dairy products, vegetables, and meats. Based on animal research, it’s been categorized as a potential human carcinogen. Human research on NDMA is quite sparse. NDMA is classified as a carcinogen by the Food and Drug Administration, the Environmental Protection Agency, and the World Health Organization.

NDMA “may cause cancer only after exposure to large dosages over a lengthy period of time,” according to Harvard Medical School. NDMA is very damaging to the livers of both animals and people, according to the Centers for Disease Control. It’s been related to testicular, liver, and lung cancer, as well as serious liver damage. The government said that “exposure to NDMA by eating, drinking, or inhaling might cause cancer in people.”

The carcinogenic contaminant NDMA has been discovered in blood pressure and cardiac drugs like Valsartan. Those medications were tainted due to alleged manufacturing defects at Chinese and Indian pharmaceutical factories. Preliminary research reveals that NDMA in ranitidine is caused by the molecule’s structure.

What Method Was Used to Find the Impurity?

Valisure, a Connecticut-based online pharmacy, notified the FDA that it had discovered NDMA in many ranitidine items during testing. Valisure said it detected “extremely high levels” of NDMA in every batch tested across several manufacturers and dosage types of ranitidine in a letter to the FDA. All batches of ranitidine products have been recalled and sales have been halted, according to the manufacturer.

The FDA’s daily NDMA ingestion limit is 96 nanograms (one billionth of a gram), according to the letter. Valisure’s testing revealed that each pill had more than 3,000,000 nanograms of NDMA, which is more than 31,000 times greater than the FDA’s limit. The NDMA discovered by Valisure is “possibly attributable to an intrinsic instability of the ranitidine molecule,” according to Valisure.

What Is the FDA’s Position on Zantac and NDMA?

The FDA published a comment a few days after receiving a petition from Valisure on its ranitidine worries, stating that it was looking into the problem. According to a subsequent announcement, the FDA’s preliminary testing found levels of NDMA in ranitidine that were lower than those found by Valisure.

While the FDA is not officially advising people to stop using ranitidine, it does point out that there are alternative OTC medications authorized for their condition. The FDA has found no NDMA in Zantac substitutes such as Pepcid, Tagamet, Nexium, Prevacid, and Prilosec.

Is There Any Other Scientific Evidence That Zantac and NDMA Are Related?

On the subject of ranitidine and NDMA, peer-reviewed papers have been published. According to these research, Sanofi knew — or had reason to know — that using Zantac might expose consumers to NDMA.

Patients who used ranitidine experienced a 400-fold rise in NDMA levels in their urine, according to a 2016 research published in the academic journal Carcinogenesis. Ranitidine has been identified as a probable NDMA precursor in several investigations, including those published in Chemosphere and Environmental Science & Technology (in chemistry, a precursor is a substance from which another substance is formed).

Who is eligible to file a Zantac lawsuit?

Any patient who has been diagnosed with cancer after taking Zantac or a generic version of the medicine as recommended by their doctor may be entitled for legal action against the makers.

What Kinds of Damages Can a Zantac Lawsuit Provide?

Zantac plaintiffs may be eligible for both economic and noneconomic damages (for things like medical costs, lost income, and other financial losses), as well as noneconomic damages (for things like physical and emotional pain and suffering). The amount of compensation a plaintiff is entitled to is determined by the circumstances of their case.

Why Do I Need an Attorney?

Pharmaceutical corporations are among the world’s richest and most influential businesses. Taking on a pharmaceutical company without legal assistance is a challenging task. Working with a legal firm that has the skills and resources to take on Big Pharma is the best way to ensure that you are properly rewarded.

What Are the Signs That I Have a Case?

Consider contacting with an attorney if you were diagnosed with cancer after using Zantac. An attorney can review your case and assist you determine your legal options. We welcome you to contact us for a free legal consultation while we continue our study into Zantac and NDMA. You pay no out-of-pocket legal fees or charges until we obtain money for you if we bring a case on your behalf.


Have you found what you’re looking for?


The “zantac lawsuit faqs” is a document that explains the Zantac Lawsuit. The document answers questions such as what are the damages, how long does it take to get a decision, and what happens if you win.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the average payout for Zantac lawsuit?

What is happening with the Zantac lawsuit?

A: Zantac is a medication that was originally manufactured by Bayer, which has since been acquired by Pfizer. However, as part of the acquisition agreement for Bayer/Pfizer, all patents and patent applications related to Zantac were transferred over to Roche. This means that only one company can manufacture or sell it in the United States – Roche.

Who qualifies for Zantac lawsuit?

A: There is no specific qualifying group. Zantac lawsuits are meant for anyone who’s suffered from any of the side effects mentioned in their lawsuit claims, which includes people of all ages and genders that have been affected by these drugs.

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