Does Roundup Cause Cancer Risks? | Morgan & Morgan Law Firm

The herbicide Roundup is applied as a weed killer and has been used in agriculture worldwide. Monsanto, the company that manufactures Roundup, claims there are no risks associated with its use. But research into links between glyphosate exposure and cancer continues to grow despite these assurances by Monsanto.

Roundup is a weed killer that has been used for decades. The question of whether or not it causes cancer risks is still up for debate, but the Morgan & Morgan Law Firm has said that they have seen some cases where people have sued Monsanto because Roundup caused their cancer. Read more in detail here: how toxic is roundup to humans.

Does Roundup Cause Cancer Risks? | Morgan & Morgan Law Firm

Is Roundup Putting You at Risk of Cancer?

In the United States, more than 13,000 individuals have filed lawsuits against Monsanto/Bayer, claiming that the glyphosate-based weed killer Roundup caused them to develop non-Hodgkin lymphoma. Since its debut in 1974, Americans have sprayed about 2 million tons of glyphosate, making it the most widely used agricultural pesticide in history. The herbicide has made its way up the food chain and may now be detected in practically every popular food in the United States. Because of its widespread use, many Americans are wondering whether they should be worried about Roundup’s cancer risks. 

Farmers, gardeners, and others who have used Roundup for years are thinking about it while the argument rages in courtrooms. Contact us immediately for a free, no-obligation case evaluation if you were diagnosed with non-Hodgkin lymphoma after using Roundup. 

Glyphosate and Cancer Research Leads to Divergent Conclusions  

There’s no denying that glyphosate is ubiquitous and that we’ve all been exposed to it. According to one estimate, the pesticide may be present in the bodies of 93 percent of humans. Glyphosate has also been discovered in a variety of popular food items, according to other studies. 

However, there is less agreement on the consequences of glyphosate on human health. In 2015, the World Health Organization’s International Agency for Research on Cancer categorized glyphosate as “probably carcinogenic to humans,” but the Environmental Protection Agency just found that the chemical is noncarcinogenic. Meanwhile, the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR) of the Department of Health and Human Services produced a study in April claiming it couldn’t “rule out” a link between glyphosate exposure and cancer risk.

Glyphosate registrants responded to the ATSDR in July, claiming that their products are safe. Despite losing three Roundup cases in a row, Bayer has maintained the same position. “Glyphosate and our glyphosate-based designed products may be used safely and are not carcinogenic,” Bayer claims on its website.

Glyphosate Suits and Glyphosate Exposure

Edwin Hardeman, Alva and Alberta Pilliod, and Johnson, Dewayne disagree with the premise that Roundup is not carcinogenic. Each of these people obtained large judgment verdicts against Bayer for non-Hodgkin lymphoma caused by Roundup usage, which they claim was caused by the herbicide. 

Dewayne Johnson

Johnson obtained $289 million in damages from Bayer last August (later lowered to $78 million), despite the fact that he may not live to see the money. His deadly disease is causing his health to deteriorate, and the appeals process might go on beyond his life expectancy. He’s “all screwed up,” as he puts it.

As a groundskeeper for a school district, Johnson was exposed to Roundup. He sprayed chemicals on a regular basis, which he refers to as “juice,” but he thinks one episode in particular caused his illness. Johnson told Time about an accident that left him “drenched to the skin” with glyphosate from Monsanto. “I developed a rash.” Then things grew progressively worse. “At one point, I had lesions all over my face, lips, arms, and legs.” Johnson had cancer, according to a biopsy. 

Hardeman, Ed

In March 2019, a San Francisco jury awarded Hardeman $80 million in damages after finding that Roundup was a “substantial role” in his illness. 

Hardeman and his wife resided on a 56-acre farm in Sonoma County, California, for decades, where he employed Monsanto herbicides to address poison oak, overgrowth, and weeds from 1986 to 2012. He was diagnosed with non-Hodgkin lymphoma in 2015. After enduring numerous rounds of chemotherapy, he discovered the link to his Roundup usage thanks to a television program. 

“I’m hoping this is a watershed moment in Monsanto’s history,” said Hardeman, who is now cancer-free. Roundup, he says, should at the very least have a greater cancer risk warning. “Give us the opportunity to determine whether or not we want to utilize it… Have some empathy for others.” 

The Pilliods are a group of people that lived in ancient Greece.

The Pilliods were granted $2 billion in the third and most recent decision against Monsanto. For at over 30 years, they used an estimated gallon of Roundup every week on their Northern California farm. Both Alva and Alberta were diagnosed with non-Hodgkin lymphoma in 2011 and 2015. 

“The doctors gave me 18 months to live at most,” she told the jurors in an Oakland courtroom. Vertigo was her first complaint, prompting a trip to the doctor. Alberta developed B-cell lymphoma in her brain, according to doctors. Her cognitive faculties and motor capabilities have been harmed by the malignancy, which has left her with scar tissue. 

Alberta stated that she never donned protective clothes when spraying Roundup because she “believed it was safe.” The advertisements made me feel comfortable.”

You Might Be Entitled to File a Lawsuit

Growing health concerns about Roundup have led to glyphosate product bans in towns, counties, and nations. To protect themselves and their family, many people have switched to non-glyphosate herbicides. In addition, legal action might result in greater Roundup health warnings. Bayer has already committed billions of dollars on weed killer research in order to decrease its environmental effect. 

However, the massive amounts of glyphosate used in the past may result in many years of problems. If you or a loved one has been diagnosed with cancer after using Roundup, you can help hold Monsanto responsible. 

Roundup is a herbicide that has been in use for over 40 years. It was originally designed to kill weeds and grasses, but it can also be used to kill trees and other plants. The EPA classifies Roundup as a Group 3 herbicide, which means that it is not likely to cause cancer risks. Reference: does roundup cause prostate cancer.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is Roundup toxic to humans?

What cancers are related to Roundup?

A: There are a few different types of cancers that involve the use of glyphosate, but it is not clear which ones.

What are the long term side effects of Roundup?

A: Roundup is a weed killer, and can be used for both home and commercial purposes. There are several long-term side effects that come with using this product, such as cancer or liver damage. Though the warnings on the packaging do warn of these risks, there are also no restrictions in place to prevent users from purchasing or selling it – meaning many people end up unknowingly putting themselves at risk by not reading what theyre buying into their hands

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