Do You Qualify: California USKO Truck Drivers Lawsuit Investigation

The article covers a lawsuit filed against Uber in the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania. The complaint alleges that Uber is violating federal labor laws by misclassifying its drivers as independent contractors rather than employees.

“trucker news” is a website that provides information on trucking companies, their drivers, and the lawsuits they have been involved in. It also has an investigation into whether or not you qualify to be a California USKO truck driver.

Do You Qualify: California USKO Truck Drivers   Lawsuit Investigation

Who Are the California USKO Truck Drivers Affected?


USKO Express Inc.’s California truck drivers may have been misclassified as contractors when they should have been classified as employees. You may have a legal claim if you worked as a truck driver for USKO in California in the last four years.

USKO Express is a transportation business headquartered in Rancho Cordova, California that provides services across the United States and Alaska. Employee and independent contractor truck drivers are both hired by the business.

Employees are entitled to extra protections and perks not provided to independent contractors. 

Some UKSO truck drivers may be misclassified as independent contractors whereas, according to California law, they should be classified as employees. They may have been underpaid and denied certain benefits as a consequence.


Do You Meet the Requirements?

In the last four years, did you work as a truck driver for USKO in California?

If this is the case, you may have been mistakenly categorized as a contractor rather than an employee. You may be qualified to participate in a free inquiry into a truck driver class action lawsuit.

For further information, please complete the form on this page.

AB5 in California mandates that the majority of truck drivers be classified as employees.

With the implementation of a substantial new legislation in California, truck driver misclassification has seen some big developments in recent years. Assembly Bill 5 (AB5), which took effect on January 1, 2020, presumes that all workers in California are employees unless the employing business can prove otherwise via a three-prong examination. 


The employing firm must demonstrate the following in order to designate employees as independent contractors:

  • Workers are no longer subject to the company’s direction or control over their job performance.
  • Workers do work that isn’t part of the company’s regular operations; and
  • Workers are often involved in a self-established business, profession, or trade that is similar to the job being done by the employing firm.

Truck drivers often fail the second prong of the exam in the trucking business. As a result, the employing firm will be unable to claim an exemption from California Assembly Bill 5, and truck drivers would be classified as employees rather than independent contractors.

If you worked as an independent contractor as a truck driver for USKO Express in California in the past four years, you may have been misclassified in violation of California law.

Fill out the form on this page to see whether you qualify for a free inquiry into a USKO truck driver class action case.

USKO Truck Drivers Who Have Been Misclassified May Be Entitled to Compensation

Workers in California are afforded substantial rights under the law, especially when they are classed as employees. Employees are entitled to minimum pay for all hours worked, as well as food and rest breaks, salary statements, and other benefits.


If a business fails to offer these benefits to workers, the company may be liable for missed pay and other fines.

Employees who willingly or involuntarily leave their employment are entitled to collect their accumulated earnings within 72 hours.

If an employer fails to pay within 72 hours, the employee is entitled to continuing payment at the same rate for up to 30 days.

Because its truck drivers are misclassified as independent contractors rather than employees as required by California law, USKO is claimed to have neglected to give these employment benefits to them.

As a consequence, a large number of USKO truck drivers in California may be entitled to unpaid pay, statutory damages, and other forms of compensation. 

Join a free investigation into a class action lawsuit involving USKO truck drivers.

If you worked as a USKO truck driver in California in the past four years and were misclassified as a contractor rather than an employee, you may be entitled to participate in a free class action lawsuit inquiry into claims that USKO truck drivers were misclassified. You may seek compensation on behalf of yourself and other truck drivers who may have been underpaid by launching a USKO truck driver class action lawsuit.

Because filing a case may be intimidating, Top Class Actions has made it easier for you by matching you with an experienced attorney. A lawyer can assist you in determining if you have a claim, navigating the intricacies of litigation, and maximizing your possible reward.

Now is the time to submit your information for a free case evaluation.

Frequently Asked Questions

How does California AB5 affect truck drivers?

A: California AB5 is a law that makes it illegal for employers to block their employees from taking time off in order to vote. This has helped many people who have trouble voting because of work obligations, such as truck drivers and others who travel long distances for work.

Are truck drivers independent contractors in California?

A: Technically, truck drivers are independent contractors in California. They handle their own routes and have a lot of freedom to do so because there is no one else who owns the trucks they work with.

Does AB5 ban owner-operators?

A: Yes, owner-operators are banned from AB5.

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