
Paraquat is a herbicide that kills all vegetation it touches. It was originally developed in the 1940s and then sold to farmers under the trade name Gramoxone. The “no-touch” method of application leaves no residue, making it especially attractive for use on large acreages or land with low plant diversity. Its active ingredient, paraquat dichloride (also known as malaquat), has been banned by some countries because of its toxicity; however, China continues to register and sell this product despite recognizing widespread environmental damage caused by its use including increased incidence rates of cancer among those exposed to dust from spraying…

Paraquat is a herbicide that kills most plants in minutes. It has been used for years to kill weeds and grasses in agriculture. The trade names of the product include “Gardar” or “Gardex”. Read more in detail here: paraquat trade names.


Toxicity is a wonderful thing when you’re in the business of eliminating dangerous weeds that might otherwise choke a field and spoil a farmer’s output. A single drink of paraquat is poisonous enough to kill an adult person. The herbicide, which was originally sold and used commercially in 1961, is gaining popularity in the United States, filling a void created by Monsanto’s Roundup’s withdrawal. 

As Roundup-resistant weeds increase and health problems connected with exposure emerge, the usage of Roundup has reduced. However, paraquat may be linked to a health problem. 

The National Institute of Health (NIH) established a probable association between paraquat exposure and an increased risk of Parkinson’s disease in 2011. Despite opposition and differing interpretations of the results from Syngenta, a Swiss paraquat maker, further research has only strengthened the relationship. This includes a DNA research that discovered a putative genetic mechanism by which paraquat causes cell death. 

Lawsuits have already been filed on behalf of agricultural workers and farmers who developed Parkinson’s disease after being exposed to the pesticide. 

Danger Awareness Is Increasing 

As the usage of paraquat increased in the United States, other nations across the world took the opposite approach. Many nations have outlawed paraquat, and others are planning to phase it out. This includes nations where the herbicide is still produced for sale to the United States, such as Switzerland, where Syngenta is headquartered.

Since 2007, paraquat has been prohibited across the European Union. Beginning in September 2020, China will prohibit the use of paraquat. 

The US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is doing further research on paraquat, and its usage might be outlawed in the future. Paraquat is now only available to licensed applicators, yet its usage is widespread and rising. 

A Disabling and Incurable Illness

Parkinson’s disease is an illness of the neurological system that worsens with time. It has an impact on a wide variety of body processes that are connected to movement. Parkinson’s disease is incurable, and symptoms will continue to deteriorate for the rest of the patient’s life. Medication or surgery, on the other hand, may be able to alleviate some of the symptoms and enable patients to live a more normal life. 

Parkinson’s symptoms, according to the Mayo Clinic, may include:

  • Tremor. A tremor, or shaking, generally starts in one of your limbs, most often in your hand or fingers. A pill-rolling tremor is when you brush your thumb and fingers back and forth. When your hand is at rest, it may tremble.
  • Sluggish movement (bradykinesia). Parkinson’s disease slows your mobility over time, making routine activities more complex and time consuming. When you walk, your steps may become shorter. Getting out of a chair might be challenging. When you attempt to walk, your feet may drag.
  • Muscles that are rigid. Muscle stiffness may strike at any time and in any portion of your body. Stiff muscles may be uncomfortable and restrict your range of motion.
  • Posture and balance issues. You may develop a stooped posture or have balance issues.
  • Automatic motions are lost. It’s possible that you’ll have a harder time doing unconscious actions like blinking, smiling, or swinging your arms as you walk.
  • The tone of voice shifts. You have the option of speaking quietly, fast, slurring, or pausing before speaking. Instead of including the customary inflections, your speech may become more monotonous.
  • Writing evolves. It may become difficult to write, and your writing may seem tiny as a result.

These symptoms might appear gradually, and early discovery, along with medical therapy, can help to delay the worst symptoms. If you or a loved one exhibits any of the above symptoms, you should see a doctor straight soon to rule out other probable reasons and maybe get a head start on therapy. 

If you or a loved one has been diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease and been exposed to paraquat, you should see an attorney. Manufacturers of paraquat have been sued, and you may be entitled to submit a claim and receive compensation. 

Victims of Paraquat Pursue Compensation

Paraquat is a poisonous substance. All animals, including humans, will die if they swallow or inhale it. Workers and farmers who use this pesticide have not been adequately protected. These individuals assumed that if they used paraquat correctly, they would be safe. However, evidence to the opposite is starting to surface.

Our lawyers are investigating claims on behalf of Parkinson’s sufferers who have been exposed to paraquat. We’d be happy to assess your case for free if you or a loved one has developed this ailment after using or being exposed to paraquat. 

To date, we have collected more than $9 billion for our clients, and as the country’s biggest personal injury company, we are one of the only firms with the capacity to take on giant corporations like Paraquat’s worldwide makers.

There are never any upfront fees with us, and you won’t have to pay anything until we get you a jury award or a settlement. For a no-cost, no-obligation legal consultation, contact us now.

Watch This Video-

Paraquat is a herbicide that was used in the United States until it was banned due to its toxicity. The “paraquat antidote” is an effective treatment for acute poisoning.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is Roundup a paraquat?

A: No, Roundup is not a paraquat.

Is paraquat harmful to humans?

A: Paraquat is a herbicide that contains diquat which is toxic to humans. It can cause dizziness and leave behind stains on the skin. The most serious effects of this toxin are cancer, hemorrhaging in lungs, heart damage and paralysis.

Why is paraquat still used?

A: Paraquat is a herbicide that kills all plants except grass. It has been used to destroy unwanted weeds and cropland, but it can also be harmful to humans if they come into contact with the pesticide.

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